So I'm trying these Crest White Strips in hopes that I might have neon white teeth for the wedding. So far so good till today when I did two back to back while sitting at my computer at work. HELLO! I think my right #3 incisor is up in flame right now. I'm not even sure if there is such thing as a right #3 incisor, but who cares. My tooth is pretty much crazy sensitive to everything under the sun right now. And another thing about Crest White Strips...who had to make them so dang slippery on your teeth? You put one on and the next thing you know it's at the top back of your gums or something. The whole 30 minutes is a balance between straightening the dang things and trying not to go near anyone because you're foaming profusely at the mouth. Whatever, as long as they bring me snow white teeth by the 29th.
I have never wanted to be married more than today. If it were any longer than 17 days I'd probably go insane. I want to be married like there's no tomorrow! God, please help me through these next 17 days without blacking out and messing up my neon white teeth...
Much love, friends. Tonight I'll be dreaming of the woman I don't deserve, the woman of my dreams, and the woman I will call my wife in 17 turns of the sun...
2 things I'm excited about that come out tomorrow:
Continuum • John Mayer
Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven But Nobody Wants To Die • David Crowder