March 31, 2008

Tribe Win On Opening Day!

March 30, 2008

Grandpa Williams

June 6, 1914 - March 12, 2008
An amazing man, an amazing father, an amazing grandfather.
We will never forget your heart, your smile, and your infectious laugh.
We will always love and miss you.
Go Tribe!

Go Tribe!

I'm about to black out...tomorrow is opening day for the Tribe! The road to the Series starts now...

March 28, 2008

Catchin' Up

I'm sitting at It's a Grind with Kel, drinking a cold coffee and looking out the window on one of the most beautiful days I've ever experienced. Today is ridiculous outside. Kel and I ate some burritos at the ocean and watched high schoolers flirting like out of an episode of Laguna Beach. We're now in our new apartment in Carlsbad and loving it. Very thankful for this place we call home. I'm typing on my iPod Touch, so that's why these thoughts are choppy and quick. I'll write more later.

We bought tickets yesterday to see the Tribe play the Angels on April 7th. Can't wait. I've missed the game a lot.

Much love.