I want some Caribou Coffee right now. Even since I left the Midwest I haven't been able to get my hands on a cup except for the few times a year I fly through Minneapolis or stop by the hometown locations back in Ohio. Kel and I are heading back to Cinci next week for a Stolarski family vacation...that's right, I'm finally getting to go along, since I'm now 62 days away from officially being family. It's an honor that I get to go, and it's an honor that I get to call this wonderful group of people family.
I'm reading some Harry Potter right now. Order of the Phoenix to be exact. Great read, this Potter. Kel and I are going to try and finish it on vacation so we can run headlong into book 6. I've been dreaming a lot today about starting a coffee company. I know, I'm a freakin' dreamer if there ever was one, but I'm serious. I have a dream and a vision and I think it could be a really cool deal. And it would for sure have free wireless. No more of this pay for internet crap. That's straight bogus. A neighborhood coffee shop, sort of in the same league as Caribou, but focusing not only on coffee, but books as well. Good literature. Not a Barnes and Noble kind of deal either. A comfortable coffee shop that feels like a homestyle living room, complete with tables and couches and fireplace (you gotta have the fireplace), and then shelves with books. A place where people can come and buy a brew and grab a good piece of literature off a shelf along the wall like in their own home and read it, buy it, put it back for later, whatever they want. Who knows, could be a good thing. It'd probably be called Festival Coffee. Starbucks will probably be out of business within its first year.
Much love, friends. It feels good to write. I'm getting married in 62 days and I might just pass out I'm so excited. I'm crazy in love with my best friend, and it's just a little bonus that she also happens to be the most beautiful woman in all the world.
San Diego is as hot as McDonald's coffee right now.