I'm sitting at my kitchen table, staring across the room at my beautiful wife who is seated at our other computer (a nice, cheap eMac that we found on Craig's List) and thanking God for my life. Tonight was one of those nights you can't find the words to describe, but somewhere inside, you know God is playing a symphony. On top of living with my best friend and the love of my life, I got to spend time with my close brothers tonight for a little thing we do every Monday night now. We get together, grill some food, drink some wine, and sit around a table and go deep about God and life. Tonight we took some Scripture from Matthew 19 and hashed through it. What an incredibly refreshing thing to do. I cherish this time with my brothers, digging deep, challenging and chiseling away at each other in hopes of finding deeper meaning and purpose to our lives, and in the end, finding more of Christ. It's all too beautiful to put into words in an online journal.
And then I drive across town, walk through the door of my new home, and wrap my ridiculously gorgeous wife in my arms and tell her I love her. Whatever is going on, please keep signing me up...
I'm raising my glass of chocolate milk to love tonight...
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