Last night I was driving down the 5, back home from meeting with my buddy, Bryan, in Anaheim. I thought I would give the new Snow Patrol album a listen, so I tuned up the iPod and was transported into symphonic rock melodies that made me want to tear off into the sunset, running headlong across the surface of the ocean to the perfect horizon line waiting nations away. My bones and muscles were chilled and frozen from the sounds coming from each song. One in particular,
Open Your Eyes. If you want to experience something ridiculously beautiful, powerful, and positively overwhelming, listen to track 10, and loud. Sometime when you're alone in a room or your car, close your eyes, open the window of your room and of your soul, and let the music lift you. And when you get to 3:53 in the song, the melodies will overtake you and make you want to let go. The symphonic climax is loud and big and gorgeous, and you will feel drops of love and joy dripping down the walls of your heart. The music at three minutes and fifty three seconds will absolutely shake you. When I hear it, I can't help but think that God is smiling. For the next 90 seconds, you will be elevated...