First off, if you haven't yet listened to the new Coldplay, please do. It is absolutely ridiculous. So beautiful it should be illegal, but I'm glad it's not. The driving drum rhythm of tracks like "Lost!" and the airy instrumental melodies on tracks like "Life In Technicolor" and "Death and All His Friends" make me want to live. I could play the first track on repeat all day and feel a million miles above the moon. And the chorus at the end of "Death and All His Friends" completely blows my mind..."No, I don't want to battle from beginning to end, I don't want to recycle the cycle of revenge, I don't want to follow death and all of his friends." Simply freezing it's so beautiful. This album truly makes you stop and think of life and beauty and a thousand other things. I can't get enough. And what a beautiful line to end an album..."And in the end, we lie awake and dream of making our escape."
It is the eve of the NBA Draft and I've never been so excited. I haven't been a huge NBA fan all my life. Usually more a college b-ball fan. But over the past couple years, my love for the game and the Cavs have peaked. And I actually know some of the names in this year's draft. And man, there is some serious talent in this field. My Cavs are sitting at pick 19, so we'll see who they end up with...hopefully a stud center who can take over for Ilgauskas.
I'm going to go finish my coffee and watch the group of women knitting at the table next to me. There's about 17 of them. They own this joint right now.
Much love.
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