Well folks, I know it's been quite a while since I've written on this thing, but I'm going to try to make an effort here. A lot has been happening lately. Things that have made me stop and wonder about my life. About who I am. About what I want to be. About what God made me for. About where I'm going and if my motives are healthy...am I going where I want to go or to the place, wherever it may be, that will draw me closer to God. That's a huge question that's floating around my mind right now. Tough to tackle.
Matt and I got back a week ago from my parents' cottage. We headed into the Michigan woods, which were absolutely breathtaking (see above), to chase a dream of writing a film script. Yes, a feature length movie. It's called Someday Festival. It's been in the making for a few years now. Ever since Matt and I lived together in LA. So we took a week and pounded out a draft that we feel confident and excited about and have turned it in to Matt's agent's assistant. If he feels it's solid, then he passes it along to his agent in hopes that he can hook us up with a literary agent to help find us someone that believes in our film as much as we do...and then hopefully we can get this bad boy made. It's always been a dream to see this story told on the screen, so I'm not giving up till it makes it one day. We'll see what God wants to do with it. It's truly a beautiful and powerful story and it would be an honor if it could touch someone's heart one day as they sit watching it in a theater.
Tomorrow I'm going to pick up a new Moleskine journal from the bookstore. I'm excited because I'm going to start writing the books of the Bible out as a new way of studying the Word. I've heard it's pretty solid, and knowing the way I learn, it'll probably help me to write the actual words out on paper.
It's about time for bed. I wish the Tribe could have pulled out that World Series this year, but I've got to hand it to the Sox. They are absolutely unstoppable. And the Brownies have a winning record right now...HELLO! And...the Celtics start their season tomorrow! Can't wait to see those boys take the court! They're gonna be solid!
Much love and cups of coffee...
...oh, and please pick up Griffin House's new album, Flying Upside Down, and This Holiday Life's new album, The Beginning of the End of the World. Both insane! Both brought tears to my eyes...
You have had that phrase on several blogs and now your film script. What is someday festival about as a phrase? Is it the same meaning/story as the film you are writing? Would love to hear a blurb on it at the minimum. :)
Good question. I hope Someday Festival means something different to everyone. We live in a crazy world, in which things have been greatly distorted from what they were originally, and I hope that everyone has a festival that they are living for...something greater than this world, something greater than themselves, something that gives them purpose and fuels them, something that fills them and gets them out of bed each day. To me it is a metaphor for living my life for a greater festival that I will experience someday. I was sparked with the idea when I read Exodus 5:1, "This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: 'Let my people go, so that they may hold a festival to me in the desert.'"
hey man, that michigan pic is amazing! how is the script coming along? you have to see the ohio state michigan documentary called The Rivalry. It's incredible.
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